improve your mood

How to Set Boundaries and Improve Your Wellbeing

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Have you been feeling especially stressed or anxious lately? Do you find yourself struggling with mental and physical exhaustion and wish you could figure out a way to refuel your well-being tank? 

If so, you might want to consider looking at how you are doing when it comes to setting limits and enforcing your personal boundaries.

Having personal boundaries means that you are aware of the rules and limits you have set for yourself in relationships, and are therefore able to comfortably say “no” to others when those limits have been reached.

I know many of us struggle with burnout, and one reason why running on fumes happens so often—particularly for women—is because we feel a need to say “yes” to everyone and have a hard time setting limits and boundaries.

For example, Jane had noticed at work that her coworkers would come to her regularly to ask for help, and there was a part of her that very much enjoyed helping people so she was glad she could be there for her colleagues. 

She noticed that people at work were beginning to email her more, asking her to do more tasks, and she would do them because she was efficient and felt glad that people could rely on her. As time ticked on, she began to feel more stressed out and irritable at work, at times feeling anxious due to all the work she had to do, and could not understand why she was having such a difficult time.

It wasn’t until we started talking about her lack of personal boundaries that she realized saying “yes” to everyone was the main culprit.

Jane began to start delegating work back to her coworkers, scheduling in personal time (like taking a lunch break), and saying “no” to people. She realized that the company didn’t go bankrupt, her coworkers still liked her, and she felt happier at work—all because she developed her personal boundaries, knew her limits, and stuck to them.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Saying yes to everyone might mean that in the short term, you are the hero; but long term, you are falling on your own sword. This is why protecting your time is so important and creating limits and personal boundaries is so necessary.

How do you know if you need help with your personal boundaries? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you have a hard time feeling like you are letting people down?

  2. Do you struggle with making decisions?

  3. Do you often feel taken advantage of by loved ones or colleagues?

  4. Do you say “yes” when you would really prefer to say “no”?

  5. Do you feel guilty when you take time for yourself?

  6. Do you give away too much of your time?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I encourage you to try the following.

Step one: Figure out where you need help creating boundaries. At work? In your personal life? Both?

Once you are aware of the problem area, you can begin to take action.

Step two: Create boundary statements. Having these on hand will help you feel more comfortable saying “no.” When you know what you are going to say and can hear yourself saying it, these statements become much easier to remember and use at the moment.

Some examples of boundary statements are:

  1. “I am going to think about it before giving you an answer”

  2. “No, but thank you”

  3. “I can’t talk right now”

  4. “I am not ready yet”

  5. “I hear your point, and my answer remains the same”

  6. “I am not able to do that”

  7. “I am not able to do that right now, but I can ___”

Step three: Schedule in breaks or personal time. Taking a lunch break, shutting off notifications after 5 pm, or going for a walk in the middle of the day are all great ways of remembering to pay attention to yourself and setting personal boundaries.

Work isn’t going anywhere, and the more you take care of yourself, set limits, and say “no” when you need to, the more your stress levels will naturally decrease.

Take care of yourselves, and remember that, as always, I am sending good energy your way.

Three Simple Strategies to Improve Your Wellbeing and Mood this Spring Season

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Now that it’s been a year, have you felt like you’ve hit your pandemic wall? Are you feeling more tired and stressed than usual, and burnt out at work? Has your overall well-being been impacted?

If you’re struggling to find the right self-care strategies to help you move through your day feeling energized, you’re not alone.

Well-being is a state of feeling happy, healthy, and comfortable. When you feel this mindset decline, you are more likely to have high levels of stress, and become more vulnerable to other challenging emotions such as irritability and sadness. This is why you want to look at what you need in your life to enhance your mood and overall well-being. What do you need to add to your life to get closer to a healthier, more positive state of mind this spring?

If you are feeling a lack of energy from your daily video calls, the lack of physical movement due to working from home, or you notice your inner critic showing up more often, now is the time to refocus and practice strategies to improve your mood and increase your wellbeing. When you take action, your stress levels will decrease, your negative thoughts will stop, and your mind and body will thank you.

If you are struggling, here are three simple strategies you can practice now to start feeling better.
Move your body, engage in exercise, and get some fresh air.

Being stuck inside for most of your waking hours can impact your mood negatively. So walk around your backyard, or take a short walk around the block. If you don’t have time to get outside, open a window and stretch, or walk around your home office. Research shows that moving our bodies positively affects our moods, so give it a try.

Practice appreciation every day.

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When you focus your attention on what you appreciate or feel grateful for, it can shift your mood to a positive mindset. You can appreciate anything you want such as your morning cup of coffee, rolling out of bed and being in your home office five minutes later, your favorite cozy sweater, your best friend, and her amazing laugh. It can be anything!

If you make a conscious effort to say and write down three things each day that you appreciate, you will notice a decrease in negative thoughts and an overall boost to your mood.

Make yourself a priority daily.

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At the beginning of every day, ask yourself how you want to take care of yourself. Each day can bring a different answer based on what you need, which means you may have to use a different skill. Asking yourself this question also means that you make yourself a priority every day!

If you found any of these tips helpful, hit reply to this email. We love to hear from you. And if you are interested in learning more general stress and anxiety management strategies, you can join the community here.