Self Esteem

It's Time To Start Putting Yourself First

It's Time To Start Putting Yourself First

It’s time to start putting yourself first. There are going to be times in life where you feel like it’s okay to put yourself second, and maybe you’re right. But, overall, putting yourself first will ultimately improve your wellbeing. And, the only person who is ever going to be able to actually do this is you anyway, so why would you not? It will be so much harder to help and be able to be your best self for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. 

5 Ways to Look and Feel More Beautiful Naturally

5 Ways to Look and Feel More Beautiful Naturally

With the way the media dictates what beauty is in this day and age, it’s easy to become overly invested with every little detail about the way you look. People can get caught in trying to "be perfect" when that is actually unattainable. Everyone defines what they see as perfect differently, so aiming for perfection is a slippery slope.